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The Lord's Steadfast Love Lyrics - Hangad

The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.
The Lord's steadfast love endures forever. (Repeat 2 Times)

Verse 1
The Lord is my strength and my song,
My hope and my salvation.
I shall live and recount His deeds.
When I called upon Him, He answered and set me free.

The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.
The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.

Verse 2
Give thanks to our Lord our God,
His kindness is everlasting.
Let the house of the Lord exalt.
We lift up our praises, rejoice to the Lord and sing.

The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.
The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.

Verse 3
Bless'd are we in the house of the Lord,
We who come in the name of the Saviour.
Let us witness His marv'lous deeds.
Let His light be upon us.
We lift up our eyes and see.

The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.
The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.

The Lord's steadfast love endures forever.

Based on Psalm 118

Lyrics: Michelle Joy Francia

Music Video || Courtesy:

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